Why Is The Fear Of Public Speaking Bad For You?

Whether one is facing 10 or 100 people, public speaking can be very nerve-wracking. Speaking in front of others may seem scary, but the reality is that this is a necessary part of life.

Starting from school, students are already being asked to speak in front of others. Activities such as reports, presentations and even plays will require the students to speak or perform in front of at least a couple of their classmates.

The fear of public speaking can limit the potential of a student and even prevent him or her from attaining his or her educational objectives. Likewise, the fear of public speaking can cripple a career. Today, it is crucial for everyone to be able to clearly communicate their thoughts to others. Otherwise, great opportunities might be missed.

People who might seem less credible can get the promotion just because they are more confident in front of other people, especially in front of the clients. Good communication skills are important in connecting with other people. In fact, this is one of the most sought after skills by employers. However, these skills cannot be further developed if the fear of public speaking is holding a person back.

For those who are running their own business, the fear of public speaking may also hinder the growth of the company.

The fear of public speaking can manifest in many ways. This can range from simple “butterflies” or “knots” in the stomach to full-blow panic attacks and even fainting.

Is it Possible to Overcome Fear of Public Speaking?

If you are getting tired of avoiding public speaking, then perhaps it is time to actively seek solutions to overcome your speech anxiety. Fortunately, there are many possible solutions that can address the different causes and symptoms of speech anxiety. By understanding these, it will be easy to decide which solutions are most effective.

By browsing through creativityuncaged.com, you may learn more about these causes and symptoms.

What are the Possible Solutions to the Fear of Public Speaking?

The solutions include therapies and exercises, self-help remedies, and even medication. Therapies include cognitive behavioral therapies and exposure therapies. Relaxation therapies or techniques include meditation and yoga. Some exercises such as breathing exercises, stretching, and vocal exercises may also be done. For those who prefer to address their fear on their own, numerous self-help materials such as books, e-books, audio books, video courses, online programs and other sources are available.

Aside from these, others may want to take medication. Beta blockers, for example, can relieve anxiety by stopping the flow of adrenaline. Physical symptoms can be reduced. Prescription drugs such as Benzodiazepines can also reduce anxiety. When deciding to use these medicines, it is important to take note of any negative side effects. Benzodiazepines, for example is addicting.

For those who are interested in learning more about the fear of public speaking, more details can be found by browsing through creativityuncaged.com.